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Do you or your colleagues work in student services or have regular contact with international students, but are unsure if you have the right skills to recognise mental health distress? Research and anecdotal evidence have demonstrated an alarming increase in mental health problems post pandemic, highlighting the unique vulnerability of international students abroad.

Join EAIE Trainers Jessica Price and Stephanie Griffiths for the upcoming Online Academy course ‘Providing effective responses to mental health challenges faced by international students’ to develop these skills and learn how to promote well-being among your students.

This online course will help you:

  • Become aware of the stressors that continue to impact the international student population
  • Learn how to recognise signs of psychological distress and warning signs among students that require immediate intervention
  • Understand how students cope with psychological distress, and how to distinguish between positive and negative coping

Date and time: 22 February, 14:00–17:30 CET and 24 February, 14:00–17:00 CET.

Some self-guided work is required on 23 February, or before the start of the second day of training.

Pricing: €95 members, €175 non-members

Places are limited, so secure your seat today. If you would like to benefit from the significant member discount for this course, become an EAIE member now.

  • This event has passed.
  • Start Time
    February 22 - 1:00 pm
  • End Time
    February 24 - 4:30 pm
  • Organizer
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