Incoming student mobility (Exchange Students / ERASMUS)

We are so pleased about your interest in a mobility period abroad at ISLA Gaia! We have been welcoming Erasmus students from all over Europe for many years and we are definitely here for you as well.

The International Office is located at ISLA Gaia’s campus, office 03, and is responsible in particular for the supervision, counseling and enrollment of Erasmus  and other exchange students. We organize orientation days at the beginning of October for the Fall semester and beginning of March for the Spring semester.

With the help of the information, links and documents below, we are at your disposal to acquaint you with the Erasmus Experience at ISLA Gaia, and answer any initial questions you may have. When you are ready to take that step forward, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Before you apply to ISLA Gaia, please read the following information very carefully:

The vast majority of courses (curricular units) in undergraduate programs for 2024-2025 will be taught in Portuguese only. Notable exceptions would be English Language / Foreign Language courses. While it is understandable that this may be concerning for foreign students, we would like to assure you that our institution is committed to providing support and resources to help mitigate language barriers. As such, any orientation sessions outside of class, study materials, and evaluation assignments will still be provided in English, ensuring that students can comprehend the course content and engage with itWe advise you to prepare your study plan as soon as possible and contact us via, so teachers can better anticipate your arrival!

– Most courses are technically available for Erasmus students; but please understand that the content taught in some of them (like Law courses) may be very specific to Portuguese reality and more difficult to manage.
– As an undergraduate student you may complement your study plan with Master’s (MA) courses. Most MA programmes (with the exception of Human Resources Management) are currently being taught in English to groups of international students. Please note that, in order to attend a Master’s programme, it is assumed that you have more than a basic knowledge of the relevant subjects. Also note that some Master’s seminars may start later in the semester.
– Courses taught in the first (Autumn) semester are not available in the second (Spring) one and vice-versa, so please review your choices carefully if you haven’t already done so:

What follows is the study offer and contacts for program coordinators, should you need more information about specific courses:


Undergraduate (bachelor):

Coordinator: Prof. José Fernando da Silva Neto

Coordinator: Prof. Maria Elisete dos Reis Martins Ferreira

CoordInator: Prof. Alexandra Maria de Almeida Matos Pereira
Coordinator: Prof. José Joaquim Magalhães Moreira
Coordinator: Prof. José Joaquim Magalhães Moreira
Coordinator: Hernâni Artur Veloso Neto
Please note that the bachelor degrees in Computer Science for Electronic Commerce and Digital Communication are new on offer for 2024-2025, which means that only first-year courses will be available for sure.

Graduate (Master’s):

Coordinator: Prof. Carlos Miguel Fernandes de Oliveira
Coordinator: Prof. José Fernando da Silva Neto
Coordinator: Prof. Maria Elisete dos Reis Martins Ferreira
Coordinator: Prof. Firmino Oliveira da Silva
Coordinator: Hernâni Artur Veloso Neto

Other important things to consider:

– Down below on this page you will find an APPLICATION FORM with all you need to fill out and send back, but please note that Erasmus+ Learning Agreements (the most important document) should be completed using the Online Learning Agreement (OLA), making the whole process much simpler and quicker, so please avoid paper as much as possible.

Deadline for applying to the Autumn Semester / Full Year: June 30th

Deadline for applying to the Spring Semester: December 15th)                                                                                     

1. Learning Agreement

Please attach your Learning Agreement (preferably prepared online:

2. Transcript of Records

Please attach your Transcript of Records obtained in previous years of study

3. Curriculum Vitae

Please attach your most up-to-date CV (in English)

4. Scan of ID/passport

Please attach a scan of your ID card or passport (does not apply to virtual exchange students)

5. Signed Student Application Form

Please sign the Application form (including consents). It is fine if your institution doesn’t sign, as long as you do.

6. English or Portuguese Language Certificate

Please attach any document signed by a Language School or by your institution that certifies a minimum level of B1. 

7. Copy of European Health Insurance Card or other Insurance Card

Please attach a copy of your insurance document (does not apply to virtual exchange students)

– Also below you will find an UNDERGRADUATE CATALOGUE / MASTER’s CATALOGUE which more clearly identifies the names of the courses and the semester they are taught.
– The academic calendar for 2024-2025 is HERE
Classes in the first (Autumn) semester start on SEPTEMBER 16, 2024, and end on JANUARY 24. There is a final exam period between JANUARY 27 and FEBRUARY 7, 2025. 
Classes in the second (Spring) semester start on FEBRUARY 10, 2025, and end on JULY 4. There is a final exam period between JULY 7 and JULY 18, 2025.
– If duly authorised by your sending institution, you may apply to stay with us for one or two semesters. In case you wish to extend your original stay, please have the Erasmus / International Relations office of your institution confirm it with us as soon as possible.
– Please bear in mind that ISLA Gaia does not have a student residence, nor does it provide other sorts of accommodation; we might be able to help, in case of need, especially if students are staying with us for the full year, but in no circumstances can we guarantee a place to stay. We advise all students to start looking. sooner rather than later. You can start looking here:
Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Kind regards,

The IR Team

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